Begin by reading the earliest quotation (i.e., way of seeing). Notice how your perception morphs as you read each successive quotation.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"You transformed the force and urgency / of your tears into your mature gaze and were just on the point of turning all your / body's juices into a powerful existence, / which would rise and circle, trustingly, in equilibrium. / Then chance, your last encounter with chance, / tore you back from your furthest progress, / back into a world where juices have their will. / Not all at once; tore just a shred at first, / but when, around this shred, day by day, / reality swelled, became heavy, [...]." —Thank you, Rainer Maria Rilke (and translators Galway Kinnell and Hannah Liebmann), for "Requiem for a Friend," in The Essential Rilke, 1999, pp.49-51. 

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