Begin by reading the earliest quotation (i.e., way of seeing). Notice how your perception morphs as you read each successive quotation.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"First of all Chaos came into being.  Next came / broad-breasted Gaia (Earth), the secure dwelling place forever of all / the immortals [...] / [...] From Chaos there came into being Erebos (Darkness) and black night / [...] Gaia first brought forth starry Ouranos (Sky)/ [...] in order to be a secure dwelling place forever for the blessed gods.—Thank you, Hesiod ("late eighth to early seventh century BCE", in Richard D. McKirahan, Jr's, Philosophy Before Socrates, Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1994, p.9.  Thank you, Chris & Anna Celenza for access to the library from which this book was borrowed.

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